Bubur sumsum is an all-time-favourite food appetizer in Indonesia. It is made of rice flour, coconut milk, jagerry sugar and pandan leaves for the rich aroma. I wonder why is it called bubur sumsum?? Maybe because this porridge is white in colour and it's texture is so much like sumsum tulang (a MITOS amongst our people). Bone marrow is supposed to be yellowish in colour and spongy in consistency. Huh, pandai2 jek org yang reka nama ni!!
I was first introduced to this goodies from Ima, my batchmate, since bapak is such a typical Penangite, he wouldnt love this kind of delicacies. He would rather prefer PASEMBOR! ;p Ima is a friend of mine whose family came from Minangkabau but now they are officially Malaysian citizen. She loves to make bubur sumsum during her free times. Mase zaman kuliah dulu kan petang2 xde keje..so buatla bubur. Easy and quick. Haha. Then I tried the recipe and since then I became a bubur sumsum’s fan. It’s very easy to prepare and I love bubur sumsum best when served cold.
The Recipe :
•Untuk bubur: tepung beras secukupnya
•Santan secukupnya
•Garam so that ade rase masin2 sket
•Untuk sirap gula: 1-2 cawan gula melaka
•Air secukupnya
•1 helai daun pandan
1.Untuk bubur: Letak semua bahan dalam saucepan, better kalau ada non-stick one. Kacau dulu biar tepung tercampur merata dengan santan. Bila dah rata and xberketul-ketul baru masak dengan api sederhana kecil, kacau adunan tu sampai masak – sampai die kental-kental gitu. Kalo xsilap saya dalam xsampai 10 minit…Kemudian letak dlm bekas. Lepas letak tu, rata2kn sket atsnye tu supaya nmpk cantik sket.
2.Untuk sirap gula: Senang jer, cmpur gula merah dgn sedikit air, smpai mendidih and jgn lupe letak daun pandan utk aroma. Kacau sampai betul2 gula dah cair. Sirap gula tu kene just nice likatnye. Jgn thick sgt nti xsedap.
3.Then, utk serving, scoop bubur td dgn sudu, then tuang sirap gula merah tu atas die. Lagi sedap kalo masuk dlm fridge then makan time cejuk2!! Easy isn’t it? ^^
Ps : sorry saye xde btol2 nye sukatan on how much pakai tepung, how much pakai santan sume sbb saye masak pakai naluri jerr…kehkeh.
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