Salam everyone,
I did this physical examination almost every day to my patients. Sharing is caring. Check this out!
What is Traube's space?
It's a crescent-shaped space overlying the stomach.
The surface markings for Traube’s space
the left sixth rib,
the left mid-axillary line and
the left costal margin.
Percussion should be carried out at one or more levels of Traube’s space from medial to lateral.
Anatomical boundaries are:
1. Right : the inferior margin of the left lobe of liver.
2. Left : the anterior border of the Spleen.
3. Superior : lower edge of the left lung (Resonance of lung).
4. Inferior : Costal margin.
1. Fundus of stomach (Hence percussion of Traubes area normally gives Tympanic note).
2. Costo-phrenic recess of left pleura devoid of lungs.
Underneath lies the stomach, which produces a tympanic sound on percussion (medicine). If percussion over Traube's space produces a dull tone, this indicates splenomegaly
This maneuver has a sensitivity and specificity between 60 and 70% for splenetic enlargement; however, the sensitivity and specificity increases to approximately 80% in non-obese patients who are fasting.
Other Causes of dull sound on percussion of Traube's space:
1. Full stomach.
2. Left sided Pleural effusion.
3. Enlargement of left lobe of liver due to any etiology.
4. Dextrocardia.
5. Proliferative growth in fundus of stomach.
Note: A left lung mass lesion/consolidation alone never produces impairment as lung is not extending to traube's space.